Hair Extensions - Mandurah

At In2hair we specialise in hair extensions using only the best quality hair to achieve your hair dreams.

Whether you want thicker hair and have more body and bounce to your existing style, or use extensions to create significantly longer hair , we have the skills to create your new look.

Prices vary due to the unique nature of this service so a personal consultation is required to enable us to create your new style .

hair extensions before
Before Hair Extensions
hair extensions
After Hair Extensions - This dramatic transformation involved colour matching several packs of high quality hair extensions and applying them to the clients existing hair, these extensions were then razor cut to create this natural long layered style.
hair extensions mandurah
Before Hair Extensions
hair extensions mandurah
After Hair Extensions - This client had fine hair which never seemed to grow and was always shorter than the rest of her hair. A few hair extensions was all it took to transform it into this shiny healthy looking bob haircut.
hair extensions before
Before Hair Extensions
hair extensions
After Hair Extensions - This client had fine hair around the front and sides which made her style feel unachievable, but with a few colour matched extensions she had the style she had always dreamed of.
Before Hair Extensions
hair extensions mandurah
After Hair Extensions - Medium length highlighted hair had multiple coloured extensions applied to create length and then layers were razor cut into the extensions to achieve this dramatic transformation.
Before Hair Extensions
After: Our client wanted to add colour and dimension to her already long hair . With the addition of hair extensions in multiple colours we seamlessly added a small amount of length and accents of blonde and caramel creating stunning , dimension without having to colour our clients hair .
hair extensions
Before Hair Extension
hair extensions after
After Hair Extensions - A home hair disaster caused lots of damage and breakage. The root area was strong enough to apply extensions and the client was able to have long hair again whilst her own hair grows and gets in better condition. This style required a large amount of extensions.